Störungszone (2017-2020)

Photography shows and veils at the same time. By showing the subject, a photograph obscures the process, and the better this is done, the more transparent the medium becomes, the more realistic the subject will appear to us. The photographer achieves this ideal image by controlling the optical and mechanical processes and by monitoring the signal processing.
The series "Störungszone", created between 2017 and 2020, questions and undermines this understanding of photography, investigates how we perceive photographic imagery, opens up new, free ways of interpretation and explores the aesthetic potential of the disruption.
The imposed loss of control, the implementation of signal processing dysfunctions, coding and decoding errors, as well as the fragmentation and recombination of various interfering image sources, aleatoric processes and formal decisions lead to the 'Störung der Verweisung' (disturbance of reference). A new starting point?


Störungszone 2